X Must-Have Apps for Pet Owners
Technological advancements move quickly. Every day, new programs, apps, and plugins are available across many platforms and for people of every interest — even some you might not expect.
Are you an animal lover? You’re far from alone — people around the world from many cultures find joy in the company of animals. Owning a pet today isn’t the same as owning one twenty years ago, however. Technological advancements have made taking proper care of your pet easier. You and your pet can be happier and healthier with the help of technology.
In particular, smartphone apps revolving around petcare topics can offer many benefits to a pet owner. The growth in the number of pet apps is no surprise — mobile app usage has overtaken desktop internet usage, making owning a smartphone almost more important than owning a computer today. Any pet owner with a compatible phone can take advantage of the following great apps for pet owners.
Apps for Pet Owners
For many pet owners, the worst thing that could happen is losing their pet. It can be difficult or impossible to find a pet once you lose sight of it. The world has many dangers for unattended pets — cars, wild animals, and other hazards can injure or even kill a pet before its owner can find it. Some pets, particularly dogs, simply don’t know what’s good for them, and follow their first impulse to run off. Finding them can be next to impossible.
The app Tagg, available for Android and iPhone, is the solution for pet owners afraid of losing track of their pets. Tagg is a GPS attachment for your dog’s collar that communicates with your smartphone. You can set boundaries for where your pet should be, and if your pet exist that area, you will receive an alert. Tagg is also an excellent way to keep track of your dog’s health. You can learn how much exercise your dog is getting and how many calories he or she is burning.
Did you know a common NSAID could be potentially fatal to a cat? Many animals can’t consume substances which aren’t at all toxic to humans. You might be exposing your animal to a fatal toxin in your home without even knowing it. Even houseplants that seem harmless can be toxic to animals.
The app Petoxins allows you to look up common household plants and see which animals can’t consume them. This app offers help to prep your home for a new pet, or to make sure your home is safe for a current one.
If you’re adopting a dog, it can be difficult to determine its breed. Petsie can help you determine what kind of dog you have. It’s also full of cute pictures and facts about dogs and dog breeds, perfect for any dog lover.
Technology continues to advance daily. New niche apps and programs are coming into being every day, meaning your life will continue to get easier.