Making Life Easier For Women One Gadget at a Time

Everyone always wants a little more time to get things done, and women who have a partner, kids and a career know how difficult it is to fit eating, sleeping and all their responsibilities into a single day. Fortunately, there are gadgets that make some things easier for women by providing innovative opportunities when combining technology with ordinary items. These functional products allow women to improve their lives and some help with multitasking, so there might even be enough time to relax at the end of a long day.

Energy On The Go

The Everpurse clutch ensures that females will never run out of power when they need to contact a family member, send work e-mails or just tweet about something funny that happened while out of the house. Users can go with the traditional clutch style or use straps for this small purse that has a phone dock in a pocket. Putting a phone in this charging pocket charges the phone, and the pocket has enough power to charge phones for 48 hours after the purse is left on the wireless charging mat overnight.

Fashionable, Wearable Gadgets

Wearable technology provides users many options when it comes to accessing the web, getting updates and tracking fitness, but women quickly noticed a problem with the latest unisex wearable technology. While Bluetooth gadgets and smart watches are marketed as unisex, they are not very fashionable. Many small, female-led start-ups like Cuff offer the convenience of the modern age and the fashion sense of a stylish woman. Cuff tracks physical activity and buzzes when a phone receives a notification, and the variety of bracelets all use one charger. The device also has a security feature that lets a women press a button that notifies pre-selected individuals who have Facebook. Cuff sends out an alert until someone responds and provides responders with live audio and a location.


Protection In Plain Sight

While knowing how to defend oneself could be a crucial skill if a woman finds that her life is suddenly in danger, taking a self-defense class is just not an option for a woman who already has a full schedule. However, there are still ways women can protect themselves. Whether on the subway or walking alone, a women can hold the Cell Phone Stun Gun without drawing attention to herself and can shock attackers. The Well Armed Woman notes that many defensive products do not fit women”s needs, and this inconspicuous gadget helps fill the gap for security products designed for women.

Miniature Mess Remover

A little vacuum is a great stocking stuffer or a fun, simple gift to give to a cleanly friend for no reason. A miniature vacuum cleaner runs on batteries and can help remove clutter from a messy desktop. The vacuum can suck up crumbs, paper debris and anything that falls into the spaces between keys on a keyboard.

These items range from cute to practical and can help make a woman”s life a bit better in a variety of different areas.

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About Author
Ajay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechFrill.
