Employee Development Plan Examples Which Can Help the Careers of Employees
The development of employees is vital to the growth of organizations. It helps to improve morale, as managements are then seen as concerned persons who care about the needs, interests and career development of their employees. These are the business leaders who will command loyalty and assure their employees of the continuation of their employment.
Organizations need to plan properly for development of their employees and these must be based on the potential of the concerned personnel, and their own desires and needs. Some employee development plan examples deal with various aspects like performance, management by objectives, and succession among others. There can be many others, but all of them must address the employees and their need to grow along with the organization.
Employee Development Plan Examples We Use
A very commonly used development plan in most organizations is a development plan based on the appraisal of the performance of the employee during a year. This is then used to establish goals for the next year, based on the capabilities of the employee. These appraisals can be used to increase productivity, or allow for determining the skills of the employee which need to be upgraded, or additional training given which can add to knowledge and skills which the organization will find useful.
Another of employee development plan examples comes from structured plans or MBOs (management by objective), which identify objectives, the steps needed to attain those objectives, and means of measuring progress at definite intervals, till the objectives are attained. These plans will need to know the talents and qualifications of the employee and potentials that they have, based on assessment by superiors.
A succession employee development plan lays down a definite path for the upward mobility of the employee. Employees are required to learn by actually taking on higher responsibilities, while remaining within the shadow of a mentor or superior. This keeps future leaders engaged and ready to assume greater responsibilities.
Employee development plan examples have a greater chance of success if goals are established to improve on areas of weakness and strengthening already acquired skills. Goals must be strategized and definite steps taken to give the necessary training to reach the goals. Any action plan must be time bound and go in for constant review. Progress must be evaluated, and changes made to the plan, if necessary.
Every development plan needs a full review by all concerned, the employee, his or her supervisors, and staff concerned with training and human resources. The employee must clearly understand any further steps or efforts needed for development, and incentives must be given in cases, where the goals of development are achieved or even exceeded. Employees need to have positive attitudes and have to take responsibility to make full use of any training given, and never think of it as a waste of time. They must understand that it is their own career that is being given a chance to develop, and that the organization will take advantage of the added skill is just incidental, and can be beneficial in the long run.